Sunday 28 July 2013

Fixing a Dead Pixel

Dead Pixel
A Dead Pixel is that specific defective pixel on an LCD screen which permanently remains unlit.It occurs because of  transistor malfunctioning.Dead Pixels permanently remain black so can easily be located on a white screen.Unlike a Stuck Pixel(which can be red, green, blue or mixture of any two) a Dead Pixel is permanently black.

Fixing a Dead Pixel
Usually a Dead Pixel can't be fixed.But sometimes pressure method can be beneficial.So try the following Procedure to remove a Dead Pixel.

  1. Turn on your LCD and display a white background so that Dead Pixel is easily visible.
  2. Apply pressure onto the pixel using a cloth piece .
  3. Be careful in the process so that you should not scratch the screen.
  4. Carefully apply pressure on that specific location.
  5. You may Turn on and off your LCD monitor few times during the process.
  6. Continue this procedure until the spot is gone forever keep calm because sometimes it appears again.

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