Basic Electronic Components


A Resistor is an electronic component that resist the flow of electric current. A Resistor has two terminals. According to Ohm's Law Current through the resistor is directly proportional to the applied voltage across the two terminals of the resistor e.g
I = Current in amperes
V=Potential difference in volts
R=Resistance in Ohms 
Resistors come in a range of resistance values. The extent to which they will resist electric current without burning up.


A Capacitor is a component used to store electric charge. Basically an electric field is formed and charge is stored electrostatically. There are different types of capacitors but basic principal is always same that is two conductors separated by an insulator. Capacitance of a capacitor is measured in farads(usually μF, nF, pF ).

Capacitance C = Q(charge) / V(voltage)

Most commonly used Types of capacitors are Electrolytic and Ceramic disk.


A Transistor is a semiconductor device which amplifies and switch electric signals and electric power.A transistor has at least three terminals. Transistor is a revolutionary component the field of electronics it decreased the size as well as price of devices such as computers .These are the building blocks of electronic devices. Transistors come as individual packages as well as found embedded in Integrated Circuits(ICs).
In a transistor voltage applied to one of the terminals(base) can control the amount of current that flows across the other two terminals known as emitter and collector.

Integrated Circuits

Integrated Circuits or ICs contain an entire electronic circuit on a small semiconductor board. It can have billions of transistors and other electronic components embedded in a area of thumbnail.
ICs enabled low cost production and reduction in in size of electronic devices. 


Diodes are electronic components that allow one way flow of electric current basically they have a negligible resistance in one direction and a very large or infinite resistance in the other direction.It has two terminals Anode and Cathode. Current only flows through the diode when positive voltage is applied to the anode and negative to cathode.

Light-Emitting Diodes

Light-Emitting Diodes or LEDs are a special type of Diodes that emit light when current is passed through them.


Inductor is a two terminal electrical component that resist changes in electric current flowing through it. It is basically a conductor e.g wire wound into a shape of a coil. When current is passed through an inductor a magnetic field is created temporarily storing energy when flowing current changes, a voltage is induced in the inductor by magnetic field, opposing the change in current that created it.


A Battery is a device that provides electrical energy to do useful work.It consists of one or more electrochemical cells and converts stored chemical energy to electrical energy. All batteries have two electrodes e.g Anode(positive) and Cathode(negative).Batteries are either primary that can be used once or secondary e.g rechargeable batteries.


A Transformer is a device usually used to transform voltage from one level to another e.g from higher level to lower level(step down) or from lower level to higher level(step up).This is done according to the principal of electromagnetic induction.


A Transducer is a component that converts one form of energy(electrical, mechanical, electromagnetic, sound, heat chemical) to another.Mostly it is used as a sensor or detector.


A Switch allows you to break an electric circuit when you want to.
A large variety of switches is used in electronic circuits.


Fuse is a low resistance wire or metal strip that provides overcurrent protection to an electric circuit. It is an essential component used in most electronic circuits. It melts when excessive flow of current takes place , breaking the circuit and thus protects expensive devices. 


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