Constant Current Regulator Circuit Diagram This fixed 1-mA current source delivers a fixed current to a load connected between Q1's collector and ground; the load can be anywhere in the range from 0 …
Constant Current Regulator Circuit Diagram This fixed 1-mA current source delivers a fixed current to a load connected between Q1's collector and ground; the load can be anywhere in the range from 0 …
Active Antenna Circuit Schematic This circuit is designed to make a short pull-up aotenna perform like a long wire aotenna, while offering no voltage gaio. The circuit boosts the receiver's performao…
Switch Mode Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram Switch-mode power supplies offer the benefit of a much greater efficiency than obtainable with a traditional power supply. The switch-mode regulator pres…
Short circuit protection circuit diagram Short circuit protection circuit diagram Circuit Description When Sl is pressed, the coil of K1 is energized, closing its normally open contacts. If the regul…
5 volt variable power supply circuit Circuit Description Although linear-regulator !Cs are frequently used in variable power-supply applications, they might noLalways be the best choice. At low outp…
12V Power Supply Circuit Diagram 12v power supply circuit Description This 12-V power supply is easy-to-build, and it produces a smooth output. D1 is a 14-V, \1-W Zener diode. The voltage can be vari…
Low battery indicator circuit diagram Description The sensing circuit consists of a 741 op amp set up as a voltage comparator, using a zener diode as a voltage reference. The op amp is inserted as a …
This audio power amp (built around an LM383 8-W, audio power amplifier) can be used to boost an audio signal to a sufficient level so that it can be heard in a high-noise environment. Note that LM383 …
AC/DC converter circuit A de level is produced that corresponds to the ac input rms value (if sine wave). i; set the gain of IC2 to 1.11. This factor is the average-to-rms conversion factor. IC1 and …
This high-performance charger quickly charges gelled lead-acid batteries, and turns off at full charge. At first, the charge current is held at 2 A, but as battery voltage rises, current decreases. Wh…